Sometimes you may receive a Nearby Emergency SMS Alert (text message) before your Avive Connect AED gets a notification. This happens because the process for sending SMS alerts to your phone is generally quicker than the process for sending alerts to your Avive Connect AED. To ensure you receive Nearby Emergency SMS Alerts quickly, set up Custom Alert Zones over your residence, your workplace, or any other location where your device is typically stationed.
For example, when you are inside a Custom Alert Zone (a static location that you have pre-set in your REALConnect Platform) you will receive a Nearby Emergency SMS Alert immediately. Shortly after, your device will need to check in with REALConnect to report its location. Then, if your device is within the emergency zone, you will receive a Nearby Emergency Alert on the screen of your Avive Connect AED.
To help your Avive Connect AED receive Nearby Emergency Alerts faster, make sure that your device is set to High Power Mode, connected to Wi-Fi and plugged into its charger whenever possible.